Wednesday, May 02, 2018

it's time to change

It's time to change
Get a new party to take center stage
Let them smoke out the bad of the past
There are many to get it done

Denying it without showing evidence
It doesn't show the right character
The many denials of the serious corruptions
The misdeeds have floated high

The taxes flow through the chains
Every part will be taxed the people will pay
What will happen to the tax collections?
To service the interests on the huge loans

The Red dragon has landed
Smoking hot from his nostrils
He knows he finds a willing partner
He rolls the dice he always wins

The game of debts
The people will pay
So cross out the bad candidates
Pick the right ones to defend our dignity and face

It's time to change
Don't let fear rule your day
Let a new party take center stage
It will bring us back to our progressive days

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