Thursday, May 31, 2018

the housewives will get a share

The housewives will get a share
Of the men's share of contribution to EPF
In this way the housewives are recognize
The contributions to the families

It is 2% of the man's share of 11%
Though it isn't high but it is a small step
It will help the housewives to feel important
In the families where they manage it

For many decades the housewives
Work long hours rising in the early hours
From sunset to sundown they carry on
Without pay for the work done

Though husbands don't see it
They always think it is the wives job to do
Take care of the households and family units
While they go out and work and enjoy

It is now recognize by the new government
The housewives play their roles in the families
Now the husbands shouldn't complain
Let their wives enjoy part of the monetary recognition

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