Saturday, August 25, 2018

they aren't the figurines at the windows

They aren’t the figurines at the windows
They don’t stand there for hours to please anybody
They aren’t blind or deaf or mute on show
They have feeling; they have emotion too

They aren’t the cold models for everyone to see
They are the living souls with rights and benefits
Under the laws and Constitution
So, don’t run down LBGT+Q

Stop and think for a moment
They don’t disturb your space
They don’t say you are bad
They want to live free

The religious officers should wake up
Listen and read the scriptures
Religion is love for one another
Religion is compassionate too

Don’t ever think you are sinless
You have your mountain of sins
If only you see yourself in the mirror
Ask yourself “Are you free from sin?”

They are God’s children too
Why they become what they are
It is God’s way to test the straight
Let God make His judgement

Let LGBT+Q alone
They have enough sorrow on their plates
They don’t need outsiders to call them bad
Give them space to live their lives

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