Friday, November 09, 2018

the shame of the nation

There are no roses to smell
The bad has taken it all away
Leaving the bad story to tell
Over a cup of coffee under shade of canopy
The people of like mindedness
Pouring their investigative prowess
The stories of our nation and ours
Linking us to the shame
The way it was pulled through
Every way the linked finally exposes
Every cut there is a corruption
The greed seems no barrier to flourish
Along the way the smell of death
C4 into pieces in the quiet forest
It happened in October 2006
The hanging rope waiting for the murderers
12 years the closure hasn’t been found
The murderers are still walking free
Though a middleman came to report
The way it was long ago
When the fallout happens
The dig out of stories will be told
The police have the report
Now we wait for the story to spin
The shame of the nation
It has to end

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