Tuesday, August 13, 2019

the old spots still stay

The Old Man sits on his chair
He looks out through the glass mirror
The day brings him joy and contentment
For he plays his game of chess

The master of the game is back
In the old days nobody dared to ask
He could do everything he desired
He was the mover at a cost he knew

He can’t be bother what others say
He has the power flowing in his hands
The Old Man shrugs his shoulders
Hold his pen he writes his lines

He knows he never changes his spots
It has returned to take control of his life
Though he wants to bring new changes
He feels the old way of chess game

He will hand over his post
He knows he has to keep his promise
Though he may try his old game
The divide and rule way; he knows it well

The blue gets in the tight knot
On the succession issue
The white knight gets clobbered on khat moves
And the red smokes the fire

He is the master of his game
He doesn’t like to sit in a tight corner
He needs to find collaborators in his quest
So, the chess game of divide and rule

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