Sunday, June 02, 2024

the old man's "billions"


The Old Man's “billions”

In the coin boxes

Ringing out loud

When he kicks on it

Though he thinks he is clean

Nothing to gain nothing to lose

The cultivation of perception

Letting the grapevine speak

There is a book

Written years ago

About the Old Man's “billions”

Though nothing was investigated

But the Old Man has to explain

How his children become billionaires

All within his life time as the leader of the nation

This isn't a perception as it is the truth

Macc is still on the run

Finding ways to unravel the truth

His children may hold the key

As they have the billions in assets and deposits

The Old Man can plead innocence

Reflecting his case back to the prime minister

Asking him to show the loot so he can donate

Playing a game of innocence until proven guilty

Let Macc dig it up

His children get another extension to file report

The months have gone yet the list isn't finalized

As businessmen they should have all kept it well

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