Monday, March 23, 2009

the choice

You always have a choice by edwindejongh
You always have a choice by edwindejongh from flickr

The King has a choice
Under the Constitution
To bring the country forward
Else internal sickness beacons

The King alone has to decide
The choice of a leader to manage affairs
Of the country for the King
And his people the King shadows his umbrella

This time the King must pick wisely
Listen to the people and opponents
It is said one got a better feel with one's enemies
Then with one own party and supporters

The role the King will play
He will decide the course of our history
In the years we walk with the nation
Let it not be wasted picking a wrong choice

The trying times
The financial turmoil
The economic downturns
The King must choose wisely
For the country progress and prosperity

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