Friday, March 27, 2009

the president's dogs

Howling Blood Ships in the Night! by Hadassah28
Howling Blood Ships in the Night! by Hadassah28 from flickr

The dogs bark
Near the fence
On lookers stare
Some throw stones at them

Give the dogs the staring eyes
The dogs keep barking
“Who are you?
Our leaders running the realm!”

So it is
The cats, cows and buffaloes
Panting hard to breathe
The dogs bark
“Now the ending begins
It is written so it will pass”

The cats running to the fence
Meowing loudly showing cat fangs
“Don't be so sure dogs
Night ghosts appear
You will howl like mad”

“Yeah!” cows and buffaloes say
“We are watching you all day long
For dogs you will be so tired watching it
You never know what walks in the back doors”

The dogs bark
“Jealous fools!
It is our turn so it is”
And the howling late at night
Of ghosts floating by
The dogs shiver
As ears pick up signals
Of the whispering wind
Caressing through its skin

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