Wednesday, March 18, 2009

our pockets dry

Sungai Selangor Water Dam by bubblyboey
Sungai Selangor Water Dam by bubblyboey from flickr

The rainfall never shines
The majority will get their pockets dry
Paying more for water
All on Albino cronyism

Monopolistic companies
Nobody has a right to challenge
An alleged perception to award cronies
Allegedly seems legitimacy

Paying high remuneration
Without much effort of management skills
A monopoly enterprise
It is the wealth creation

Imagine paying millions
For output at best so dismay
Dirty water in the pipes
Blaming whom in the end?

Privatization hardly work
It only benefits people linked to the government
The people as consumers suffer
As water is required every day

The essential products shouldn't be privatized
It should be handled by the state or federal government
what we have seen all those years ago
It is merely to reward the supporters

Unless we change the government
The people will bear the consequences
Of electing the same party to bleed us dry
It will be the hardship when our pockets dry

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