Friday, March 27, 2009

the last change

Howling wind matting down my world by lepiaf.geo
Howling wind matting down my world by lepiaf.geo from flickr

The moonlight
Beam out its light
Caressing the dark shadows
Waiting for the opportune time
I walk I listen
The whispering whirl
The ghosts can't sleep tonight
As my eyes watch
The leafy branches wave
Many shadows many caricatures
Bewitching my eyes
I feel a shiver
Imagining it in my mind
I know changes will come
As the light beam it bright
The dead branches
Rising out to the moonlight
Hooking it up asking for alms
The last attempt before it dies
Into the ground where all are done
As I walk
The silence greeting me
The wind breathing at my neck
The coldness bringing no cheer
It is a trick to hide the real purpose
For change will take a back seat
Unless purge the whole systems
I know I know I know
Words easy to say
Implementation will take ages
By then the ghosts ask
The last change..........

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