Sunday, April 19, 2009

history the truth no lie

Give me Liberty or Give me Death (Graveyard) by Shutterhack
Give me Liberty or Give me Death (Graveyard) by Shutterhack

History a story of events long gone
Words, actions and rules
Telling it correctly lies the strength of the nation
And with it the people as a whole

In the hands of the one way street leaders
History will be full of lopsided holes
Telling the truth will be buried in sand
Sieving will take generations to unravel it

We want to learn from history
It is the fact of true events
When hidden truths conveniently suppress
We will fail to understand history
In it the nation will collapse

Murderers now recorded as heroes
What an ironic history to learn!
This isn't what would be preaching
As crimes of those years gone
It shouldn't be written differently
It wasn't fought gentlemanly
It was planned in murderous intent
So it was murder don't twist the facts

The new generations
History will be a waste of learning
Even the older judges giving wrong signals
Throwing the Constitution aside
When giving out judgement
So what now?
We are the decider of our destiny
The journey we will take
As the country unfolds to compete globally
As one nation one people
Else we will perish
For our stupidity!

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