Tuesday, April 28, 2009

sloganic trick?

Najib's political slogan by mowadoha.
Uploaded by mowadoha

Sloganic trick?
The decades on use
The work of politicians
Hookwinding the people again
Businessmen and prominent personalities
Giving up the thumb signs encouraging its concept
These people want to create wealth sustaining lives
Into the way it must be good sign
It needs political will
For the little napoleons to change
Understand the concept
Knowing what it should be
The black knight should take his cue
Unload his heavy baggages
Let the peole know the truth
On the allegations of C4, commission and Aminah
He can't hide in his elegant silence
For the rumors will keep piling up
He has to face the allegations
Keeping silence doesn't say he is free
We want the slogan to work
Amongst the races in the nation
The black knight should unmask his allegations
For the truth will blow the cooling breeze

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