Friday, April 10, 2009

a lazy person God give no grace

Pages by briankosena
Pages by briankosena from flickr
Life has many pages
The unfolding events
The memorable and pleasant days
The sorrow and regrettable ways

You will walk into it
It is like a force pushing you
You think you have control
Alas how many times you make your own?!

The sign post planted
Even you weren't born
You can change; postpone it
As all runners know
The marshals waiting on the roads

Only God allow changes
When you ask Him for His grace
otherwise it is the sign post
You must go there to see

God give you life
He also gives you conditions
You can't escape it
When you never ask for His grace

So life has many pages
You must write your history
If you can't write it down
The angels will be there
Doing for you as they write
“A lazy person God give no grace”

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