Wednesday, December 11, 2013

God we pray

Shia and Sunni muslims
They pray to the same God
They study the same Holy Book
Learning the same scriptures

Why the fight among themselves?
Islam isn't encouraging its followers to do that
It is the work of the narrow minded leaders
They wanted to sow their greed and power

So it was after the passing of the Prophet
The division of control unleashed the greed
This was the human's power game
So it was the clashes of different opinion

Until today Shia and Sunni followers
They still go after each other belief
The wounds of centuries seem never to forget
They should open their eyes and minds

Islam is the religion of peace
They should live and enjoy the goodwill
The Holy Book has said many times over
Why they don't open up their minds?

Even in our Constitution
Islam has no designated brand to it
So it should stay that way
And other religions allowed to practise freely

It is the failure of humans
They don't walk the talk
The scriptures have written
Why make ourselves fools in God's eyes?

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