Thursday, December 19, 2013

the traffic lights

The traffic lights
On the roads and junctions
The motorists abide the rules
Accidents can be avoided

The motorcyclists playing daredevils
Even the light is red they just dashed through
Ignoring the traffic coming in
Playing a game of catch me if you can?

The motorists should remember
The traffic rules and laws good for our safety
We have only a life to live
We don't have the luxury of many lives

When I was in Langkawi
On the traffic light green for me
As I was driving along
The female motorist heading my way!

Imagine what could have happened?
She quickly braked her vehicle
I escaped with no accident
On the island of mystical glow

On the traffic lights
Watch out for the insane motorists
Watch out for the two wheelers
They are so eager to dash across

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