Saturday, December 21, 2013

think before doing anything

Some willing to commit murders
For the sake of gadgets to hold
The consequences of their deeds
They don't think of it

The minds just want 
The drawbacks of its deeds
For the sake of gadgets
They dare to take lives

Some willing to elope
When parental objections give the flag
They run away thinking it will be safe
The honour killings save the face

When parents object
There are reasons to it
Eloping will not solve the problem
The sin will sink the relationship

Some willing to steal or rob
The easy way to make a living
The able bodies and great minds
They are just lazy to work

When police catch them
They realize the fools they have been
Some will live to regret of their crimes
Some will neve learn they continue to play games

The elopement cracks will appear
The relationship will turn sour and bitter
The crimes will not pay in the way of living

Prison will be the stop for many

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