Tuesday, May 03, 2016

the punching bag

The Chinese always seem the punching bag
Putting them on the rope on the high
They think they can walk in the air
The swing door it never say

They are too well known as the crafty dogs
Crafted during the Japanese occupation
Doing the dirty work for the Japanese
Just to live and forget about the suffering

The Chinese shouldn't swing here and there
They should make a point they aren't the punching bag
Enough of it in the history of the nation
They better stand united and get what it is due

But we have seen the modern running mates
They only work themselves and their cronies
Anything to do with their race is just a promise
The groundwork is divided... still a punching bag

The rule is we are all Malaysians
There shouldn't be different bags of gold
We should share the wealth of the nation
Through the ups and downs of the country

The nature of race politics
It brings the divided nation
Offering promises to fish for votes
To stay on the power chair

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