Friday, May 11, 2007

robbers and thieves

When the economy satisfies most people we dont find robbers and thieves every where. It is when the economy only satisfies certain group of people then we have a serious flaw in our social standing amongst our own in the country. Announcing mega projects then keep quiet for months. This isnt going to help the economy. What have we on the 9th Malaysia Plans? I dont hear any updates on its implementation. Or it is handled on the quiet involving billions given to the favoured cronies and companies?There was this story about a kampung guy who talked about millions when he said something but he didnt get anything. People came to listen and laughed at him. Because he got no projects he got no millions. His name is Dollah kampung. Now we have another Dollah who talked about billions. About mega projects benefitting the people. When this Dollah announced it, everybody sat up to listen. Because there are money to be made in billions...Now this Dollah only talks and the economy seems sleeping away and occasionally wakes up to perform its work..Hello what happen now? Terms and conditions change. Investors study and ask "How now?"
Do we hear about cleaning the rivers in the country? About tenders open in the market? Suddenly it was announced that YTL got the contract worth billions again. I still dont know....this is the rotten government so said Dr M the former PM of the country. The DNA test by our police showed the child of the death Mongolian beauty is belonging to her ex-husband. Her father disputed it because the police never takes sample on the child. He asked how could the police come to this conclusion. Something fishy going on here. Rotten government( It is now understood that Baginda Razak is a close buddy to Najib)

I am still happy browsing my net.....feeling free and contented with my life Malaysia is still good to me

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