Monday, October 06, 2008


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ISA detainees
You are in Kah Moon Thing without reason
The government has no case on you
Afraid of imaginative exploits
So you are put there

Years in detention
Losing your rights and freedom
Though the Constitution guarantees equality in law
The government doesn’t care

They want you put away
Without trial never give you a chance to defend
Conveniently imprisoned you
Without just cause and reason

ISA detainees
You aren’t alone fighting your rights
Many people from the outside
They too want the ISA to put away
Into the dustbin

The new recruit RPK
Though he is a veteran in 2001
Now he has to go in again
For no charges could be found
So into Kah Moon Thing he was sent

ISA detainees
You stay will be coming to an end
If the people have their ways
A new game will be played
On the stage in Putrajaya
A new chapter will be written
A new light for Malaysia!

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