Tuesday, October 21, 2008


ISA isn’t love
Don’t get fooled by the jumping frog
He stood up to tell
‘I was one of them’

Sadly people like him
Forget the humiliation
Now when freedom is
History forgets

The law of ISA
It shouldn’t be used any more
The lies and concoctions of BN
To cling to power as if belonging to them

ISA should be binned
Into the depth of death
For humanity is worth many times
‘No more’ the people say

The right to say
In the freedom of the mind
The growth of a nation
It is the sum of all people ideas
Fusion it into a cohesive whole
It is then the country got recognized
As the true multi-racial
We argue, we share, and we progress
Without the shackles of man made laws
Derailing the unity of the people

ISA isn’t love
It brings humiliation and losses of freedom
Incarcerated in cells to make one changes ways
It never will be as it brings hatred…………….

Let ISA dies
Into the annals of our history
It is has no use in the nation progress
To be known we must be brave to break free

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