Thursday, October 16, 2008


Hindraf declares illegal
Is it the way to treat the organization?
I don’t know what BN leaders think
Peoples’ grievances they ignore

Respect is earned not by force
Don’t forget people are the boss
Only 5 years to play games
They forget the time and the pride
Asking people to vote them in

Hindraf will not disappear
When the peoples’ grievances aren’t solved in depth
The waves of discontent will soar into our lives
For they want the BN government to wake up and listen

Do the BN government leaders?
Smoke in their eyes; mirrors of their reflections
Yet they don’t see what is wrong……………
They think they have the power
So the people must listen to them

The woes of the country
It is the 3Ps hanging over in the minds
Peoples’ welfare and interests aren’t in their plans
This is why respect must be earned; it isn’t by force
People are the boss
Do these BN leaders know?

Hindraf will go on
Albeit with legal noose
Enough of its one sided treatment
I guess I won’t see the last of them
Unless Anwar really go for it
And change the political landscape

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