Monday, October 13, 2008


RPK dares to fight
On the big guns on the Dark Hill
He doesn’t worry what will happen to him
It is the truth he asking for it

He never wants to fail
He knows the jail is waiting for him
What he writes and speculates
Mixing his spices to taste good in the mind
Only the ruling elites can’t stomach it alright

So he fights on
He knows the obstacles stack against him
He is a fighter; a Bugis prince never runs away
He challenges the ruling elites
Until they put him away

The Dark Hill tumbles
The echo rings its weight around
There shouldn’t be unfairness
It isn’t worthy of the current regime

Now the ruling elites realize
Even behind bar, RPK light shines
Shafting it into the Dark Hill
For tomorrow will arrive
The Bugis prince will get his rights

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