Thursday, August 20, 2009

dreams are made in the mind

Nightmare in the night
The dark edges of the mind
The dreams floating into the universe
But it is only out of body kind

Some say it is too much food
Intake close to bed time
You need about 4 hours to digest it
Else some may get nightmares

The worst ones make you scream
Sweating on body fear etches in the mind
When you wake up you may remember part of it
It will make you worry until light shines in the sky

Sometimes it can be something said
Things or words you hear as you socialize
Living it out trying to beat the time
It is here while you sleep nightmare arrives

Sometimes it is about horror movies
Watching it at night and alone......
The effects playing out in your mind
Unsettling mind dreams are made
The nightmares come a calling

If the same dream keeps occuring
It is time to remember it
It may want to convey a message
What you do right or wrong....

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