Thursday, August 20, 2009

permatang pasir your turn


The early morning sun
Bursting out into the sky
The glorious shafting rays
The good sign

Albino spins
Prepaid omelette
Promising token goods
Painted red to show effect
Sizzling in your eyes
“Only you sign for me”

And the Albino leaders say
“Don't worry about sunny side up Rohaizat
He can do many with his eggs
Poached eggs his speciality
Go to him let him whipped up his cream'

You wish he goes away
Then comes Hamidi easy over
Claiming his poached eggs tasting good
“Come give it a try
No harm you know
Just give a go”

Then Muhiddy scrambles
Knowing the idiots they are
Belittling the voters intelligence
They will surely cook in simmering fire

Permatang Pasir voters
Frying it in open round woks
Wokking it until Albino crumbles
Only waiting for implosion
Then it is history.............

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