Sunday, August 30, 2009

pakatan selangor charge the bull

Pakatan Selangor
Albino can't leave you alone
The black knight wants her
He can't sleep in the night

The small hot fires
The running dogs go
Light it to make smoke
He can't say no more

Pakatan Selangor
The black knight makes you run
Wasting time and energy fighting small fires
He has his own agenda
He can't sleep without her

Pakatan Selangor
Sack the moles in your group
They make statements
Running the wishes of Albino

Take the bull by its horn
You declare a snap state election
The people are angry
They will teach them a lesson

The recent fire will burn
The black knight will run
By his own fire
Seeking shelter to treat his wounds
And you can lay to pasture
The moles in your group

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