Saturday, August 15, 2009

it keeps coming....

Permatang Pasir by election
It never ends the moment flow
The political journey for change
It keeps coming.........

The Albino speaks
Nailing it to the its doors
Trapping the party members
Saying stupid things to the masses
It keeps coming........

The people open minds
Marching forward no turning back
The wishes of generation now and tomorrow
Build Malaysia a rightful place shining bright
For all living in harmony sharing our diversity

The Albino speaks
Racial undertones and race mentality
The party leaders never learn
March 08 the great walls riddled with holes
The coalition members plastering with cement
Crumbling till it falls off again
And it keeps coming......

The path of change
It has risen; it will not go away
The hidden of 1Malaysia
In reverse “A is Malay 1”

So we mustn't be fooled
Race base party shouldn't allow to grow
On slogan hiding its true meaning
They say action speaks loudly
Though it keeps coming.....

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