Saturday, August 29, 2009

hungry in the hinterland

The bridge to the hinterland
A steel bridge for the natives
One day corporation dismantled it
The natives of the hinterland
Cut off supplies when crops are bad

Here we find peopleWasting food unnecessary
Table manners are poor
How they learn I dont know!

Parents table skills bad
Leaving bones scattered everywhere
The tables become a mess
They think they pay
They can do what they like

So like the corporation
They forget about the natives
They did the steel bridge
So they dismantled it

Poor natives hungry
The last 3 weeks
Here we have people
Hoarding and wasting food

A tragedy of greed
A tragedy forgetting love your neighbours
Praying every time
Asking God for help and favours
Right in our door steps
We don't even know
Natives are hungry
In the hinterland of Sarawak

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