Saturday, June 09, 2007

EC pills 2

Women must take precautions. They shouldnt wait for the guys/men to do it. Men just go there to bang them then they walk out or go to sleep. You think the guys will think of their conquests or share the responsibilities. I wish every man should be man enough to take the responsibility....but according the reports in the newspapers they aren't many in the men's vocabulary. These people- can be any rank and education - when lusts take control over their lives, the women should be careful. The guys won't blink their eyes throwing the women away. So I read about babies throwing away; some where killed with the umblical intact; and others leave the babies to die or until a good hearted person finds the poor babies and take them home or inform the authorities. We have lust and love. We have love and lust. See how one catches the phrase. It is there one would find the mind works. The truth it never boils down to one's own education or upbringing. It is matter to do with one's own initiative. Accountability. My mother always says..............
Men use sweet coated honey words to trap women; it isnt money. It is the game played to woo the women. And most of them fall for the guys.

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