Wednesday, June 13, 2007

macam macam jadi 4

MB of Kedah should have directed the review of rates on the property owners in Kedah. He shouldnt have waited for the people crying for the rates review which they claimed it is base on false calculation which is against the land code. Kedahans should vote him out in the next GE for being insensitive to the plight highlighted. Dont send memorandum to our PM because now he is on honeymoon. You think he will read it? A leader should admit mistakes quickly to diffuse situations and not wait for signature campaigns or letters or memorandum to tell that something is wrong. He reads newspapers be it English or Malay paper. From there he should know what's happening on the ground. He knows it is already wrong but doesnt want to admit it but only qualify to say on case by case basis. When it is wrong; it is wrong! BN leaders want to be on top all the times. They can't seem to go down and dirty their hands. The people should wake up now and see what is happening. The country will go to the dogs and cats now birds.......if the current situation persits. Now we have "Malay Language" changed to "Malaysia Language" by the Cabinet. I have feeling that the majority Malays dont agree because "Bahasa Melayu" is their language not "Bahasa Malaysia" though the language is the same. This is with the believe to unite all Malaysians irrespective of race or religion. The cosmetic surgery won't help in the end. On can look pretty for a while then the ugliness of old age comes. It is best to let it be known as Bahasa Melayu and let us grow gracefully old with it. I dont have problem with it. Do you?

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