Thursday, June 28, 2007

MTUC picket

MTUC picket The union wants a minimum wage of $900/- plus COLA of $300/- for the private sector employees. The government stands always the same issue. Investors will run away. I believe investors won't run away if the workers are highly skilled and manual workers are well trained to do their jobs. The government should meet the MTUC to find out what compromises can be achieved. It was reported that the PM never met the union leaders yet. He should have summon the union leaders to his office before he left for tours in Russia and Italy. He was in office for the last 4 years and he never wants to find out from the union about its grievances. He isnt fair to the rakyat. He only looks after the public sector employees. PM and his team always pamper to the investors and companies. These companies harvest huge profits. It is time that the PM should spend time with MTUC otherwise he will lose badly in the next GE. As it is now, the rakyat are getting fedup with his administration. I am one of those getting annoyed with his unclear administration. Announce projects but bad follow through. MTUC has a point here. Cost of goods and utilities had gone up. The common consumers are facing hardship balancing their budget to survive. The ministers and PM should stand in the hot sun for 10 minutes and see how they feel about the poor workers doing manual job with peanut pay. The government should review its polity and discuss with MTUC and find solutions or compromises in pursuit for the general well being of the people. CA is only a part of the workers' rights. It is best that the law is amended on basic pay which by then no company can run away with its implementation.

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