Tuesday, June 12, 2007

the hummers tricks

I am studying the humming birds. Today I took out the 3 little musketeers out from the nest and studied it on the floor tiles. Two musketeers grabbed each other for comfort or telling each other for support while the 3rd musketeer was on his own. I thought naturally the humming birds will group together since they were living and staying together since birth. Perhaps one of them says "I am independent. I want it this way. You people got so scared. Looked at me I am trying to flee and fly but of course I couldnt" Later I put them back in the nest and watched the "parent" humming birds came to feed them. These birds make alot of noise when humans are around. The humming birds want the humans to get away to let them feed in peace with the little birdies. Anyway, I sit there to watch. It takes them a long time to fly to the nest and feed the little birdies. Sometimes I observe the "male" humming bird is braver than the "female" humming bird. I think the female hummer is security conscious about her little birdies. She will fly here, there and everywhere, making alot of noises before she goes to feed them. Most of the time female hummer flies away instead of feeding her little birdies. The "male" hummer will not really feed the little hummers in the nest. Not to say it doesnt help in hunting for food, it is just his rule I think to worry about the little birdies. I observe it is the "female" hummer which carries the burden of feeding the little musketeers. Any different with the humans? The man will sow his seeds and leave the nest to the woman. It is the mother of the children who would rain or shine look after the brood. The male will go out to tackle other women or showing how good he is by fathering so many children. I am not trying to offend anybody but I think it is how man and woman relationship work. There are men who take care of the children. But they always say it is their quality time.....like AAB concept of Islam Hadhari or Civilized Islam but it is the same; it is Islam anyway. Quality time.....what we are trying to do is to fool ourselves because time is time; you dont have to put adjective(s) to say something else. It is still 24 hours in a day divide into 8 hours each shift and from there you manage time. In a way we just like the hummers giving out false trails everywhere trying to shake off our insecurities or lies or enemies within ourselves not to follow the truth as one wants to speak.....

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