Tuesday, March 18, 2008

the barisan rakyat had spoken

The Barisan Rakyat had spoken
Crossed on the ballot boxes
Now let the waves begin
Eroding the shoreline
Of BN and its cronies

The sleeping beauty must know
What he has to do for his party
The country belongs to Malaysians
It isn’t for BN or UMNO to decide
It lies with her people
They had spoken loud and clear
No more racial politics
No more race base party

Let UMNO wields its keris
With its own members that is
Don’t lump to the Malaysians
They have enough for the last 50 years

BN barely lost the battle
Yet the leaders still speak arrogantly
Pushing its agenda to rule completely
Ignoring the popular vote
They still talk about racial agenda
When will these leaders ever learn?

Come down on your palatial homes
Mix with the people humble thyself
If BN leaders want to stay relevant
They have to bite the bullet
Change to the needs of the people
Otherwise BN will be history
Waiting to be recorded in GE13

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