Thursday, March 20, 2008

money and greed

This is the story
Spinning tales and (mis)adventures
Cooking all types of eggs
Pick a choice taste it

The editors want a living
Posh homes money to spend
Forget about dignity and honesty
In the world of businesses
They can’t sink so low

So the editors thunder
Across the spread in their newspapers
Bashing the poor fellows
Taking pride in their tirades

Giving biased analysis
Asking well connected people for views
Always that subtleness betraying their souls
About money flowing with greed

No chances for the other party
In the blogs the new waves hit back
Denouncing the biased reporting
Hitting it in cyber-space
The magic flow smoothly

In their hearts they know
Don’t follow; no job to show
No food on the table
It is still the bread and butter issues
They say it; they know it
So they pretend writing differently
Sell their souls forget their principles
It is why there is no fairness
When one sells one’s soul away

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