Tuesday, March 18, 2008

bloggers are stupid who got the sack?

Bloggers are stupid!
Now who got the sack?

Imagine the world
At our fingertips
With a click of a mouse
The world smiling to us

BN says otherwise
Bloggers have nothing to do
Kay por blasting trails in the cyber-world
They don’t know about managing affairs
We are just goblok
Now who got the sack?

BN has to change
It has to evolve into a multi-racial party
No more UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP
And the rest of the small parties
If BN wants to stay relevant
In pursuit of governing the country

The way the leaders do
I am afraid they don’t learn
Come GE13 BN will be gone
A favorite digit a hell to pay!

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