Friday, March 07, 2008

you better decide history in your hand

courtesy mob's crib

The day arrives
March 8 to decide

The country relevant in the 21st century
Progress and peoples’ needs
Will the change come in the end?

BN too many sins
Polish words and manifestos
Blinding the people all and sundries
Telling them how good BN is

BN reps can’t say
Under the whip of party affairs
When you vote for BN
Your affairs aren’t in their books
They forget; they want their needs fulfill
You are just a speck
Party affairs and personal glory first

You better decide
Change has to come
Cross it the bridge for once
Why keep staring at it?

Let the other party try
Give it a chance
No try no gain in the end

So don’t get fool by BN
Vote for change
You make history in the end

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