Sunday, March 30, 2008

now the east

Now the East Malaysians rumble
The leaders know they have been short-changed
Now they want to size the cake
A bigger share in the Federal politics

What will happen on April 15?
If BN/UMNO doesn’t change its tune
There will be likely a shift of power soon
Something is brewing up in the East

Right now UMNO leaders
They are sleeping with arrogance
Dreaming they are still in control
Never want to accept defeat in the polls

Now the line is cracked
The hole becomes bigger soon
The East grows in stature
The leaders want a bigger slice of the cake
Nothing less they will accept

Will it happen on April 15?
The second wave to hit the BN shore
The sea looks calm yet the undercurrent flows
Baiting the line fishing trip in the loop

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