Thursday, August 06, 2009

no more back entry!

Selangor Pakatan
Don't shoot each other back
The black knight is charging into your castle
And you guys are playing hide and seek

You forget disunity falls
Of any coalition for a common goal
It is for the people so stick your promise
Tackle your enemies at your doors
Don't waste time issuing stupid statements
It doesn't help spoil our votes

Macc running you down
Serving its black knight nothing else
Police gunning lopsided prosecutions
Leaving black knight the easy job to hit
The loopholes he needs to establish

Anwar in his sodomy 2
He has tied down with his case
A political entrapment nothing to shoot
It is only to derail his plan
For the country fairer to all

Now govern oh Selangor Pakatan
Perak was a easy target for the black knight
Pressure the balls giving out wealth
Plan up charges hit the greedy ones
Likewise the same method is appearing
Hitting charges to create fear spending in jail
But for black knight and his cronies
They live luxuriously and free

Selangor Pakatan
The enemies marching to your doors
Wake up and better find ways to trap them
Don't sleep on it...
We want our votes count
No more back entry!

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