Wednesday, August 28, 2024

don't live like saint


The crocodiles controlled states

The voters got what they wanted

The political religion to rule them

Now what they have to say?

Kelantan is one of the poorest state

Yet the voters still vote for the crocodiles

They think they can go to heaven

They forget to live in paradise

Learn the good and evil ways

Know by experience and knowledge

It will come in good hands

When finally meeting the Creator

Living by religion

Forgetting the economy to survive

The Creator will not take kindly on it

We are born to experiment live and die

The other states by crocodiles

They have gotten the bad end of the stick

The voters in Kedah, Terengganu and Perlis

Better wake up on their bad decision

Don't go back to the cave mentality

Don't live in the cocoon shelf

Don't be afraid to experiment

We are born to live and die

Earth is paradise

Heaven can wait

We are born to experiment

Our Creator knows and forgives

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