Sunday, August 25, 2024

take rejection as a win


Hot girls

They are lonely too

When night falls

They will hang around

In entertainment outlets

Solos or in groups they will come

Showing what they are up to

Teasing the guys on the wait

Hot girls

The men should go

Many are afraid

Seating cool drinking beers

Hot girls

Watching the scene

The guys too

Only the Alpha guys go

Rejection is their key

They will do the right approach

The night will be the foreplay

The music giving them the push

Hot girls

They are lonely too

Else why are there here?

In the loud music and jamming up

The bad guys will win

They don't care about rules

They just go and catch the hot girls

Drag them to the dance floor

Hot girls

They are lonely too

The guys shouldn't shy away

Be confident and take rejection as a win

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