Saturday, August 31, 2024

the unity of the people


The unity of the people

Whatever backgrounds and religions

The corner-stone to economically progress

Taking the nation to her peak on the mountain

The embrace of our diversity and cultures

Let nobody try to divide and rule it

Spreading false pretences or hope

It will not benefit the people and nation

The political divide

Nothing much will change

The politicians are divided

Aiming for their own desires

It is power and wealth

The nation's billions in the mind

It will not go away

As politicians still hungry for it

So it is important we stay united

Don't let the politicians carry it away

The nation's dignity and wealth

We will be losers for our stupidity

The bad laws must be carted away

Don't draft new ones to go for the same solutions

It is through education to change the mind

It is the basic groundwork to succeed

The unity of the people

The growth the nation needs

No need new laws to suit a leader

The bad laws should be repealed

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