Tuesday, August 27, 2024

no one is above the law


One former prime minister

Gone to jail for his corruption

Though his party members still try

Telling their members to rally for him

It is shameful to read

The party leaders don't see it

He stole millions from the nation

Yet that money still in hiding

Now another former prime minister

He has his court date to appear

AGC shouldn't let him escape

Let him face his trial

It will be best if he goes to jail

It will tell all and sundry

Nobody is above the law

Once it is broken prepared to go to prison

Corruption with political leaders

Once they thought they were immune

Now Macc should go after the corrupt

Let no one escape the net

The Attorney General must be firm and fair

Let no corrupt officials or ministers escape

Don't accept letters of representation

Let the court decide their fate in the trial

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