Thursday, August 08, 2024

the heat of power


When power creeps into the mind

A person will not run away to hide

The heat of power cruising through

He will find his new tool to shine

In his command he can do

The way he wants in his plan

Nobody can really stop him

Within the circle he holds court

If he is a bad leader

The people will suffer in pain

Nothing good will out to play

Lives can be lost or go to jail

The wealth of the nation

He will use it for himself and cronies

He will become the elite

Looking down on the people

The military he will feed them

Let them have the luxuries

So they will feel obligated

Fighting for him in time of protests

Power is a powerful tool

In the wrong hand the suffering will prevail

Because a person can go crazy with power

If he can't control his lust of power game

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