Wednesday, August 07, 2024

the illegal motorbike racers


The illegal motorbike racers

Revving up their bikes

Smile on their faces

Helmets on time to race

In the night of silence

Along the long stretch of road

The revving engines talk the night

The sound of hell break loose

The lights of many

Blinking in the night

The onlookers watch

Some may have yelled loudly

The motorbike racers hit the road

Engines speak loudly in the night

The red lights they ignore

The motorbike racers rush madly on

A car suddenly stop

The motorbike racers fail to brake

Many turn turtles and fall on the road

Some injured 2 died on the spot

The young never learn

The parents always forget

The lost of lives to live in regret

In the next round some will go again

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