Thursday, August 15, 2024

it is fun for a while


The neon lights

Of living in a life

It is fun for a while

Until boredom creeps

Staying on will not shine

It is just wine, song and women

Slowly it will say

Is that living?

A fair share

In the running around

In the city of those times

The faces of laughter and smile

It's like a forgotten footprints

Sometimes it draws back to the past

Life of fun is still good

Many should indulge in it

Living in a restrictive mind-set

It brings a narrow view of living

We are born to live free

Don't make religion chain us

In reality living a simple life

It doesn't clash with any rules

Life still of fun and games

Listening hard of clues

Living simple joy in the eyes

But neon lights

Still glimmer after all have done

Telling life is still a game

For those who want to play in it

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