Sunday, September 15, 2024

don't play the oppositon game


Renaissance man

Don't play the nice game

The opposition leaders need to pay

For the antics of bad vibrations

The rule of law

It has to play

It is blind by itself

Only the police will see

The opposition leaders are pushing

They may have broken laws

The police just stay quiet

Because of the 2R thing?

Renaissance man

Don't play into their game

It will not benefit the country

It will not help the people

no need to wait


No reply

In the current form

No playing for the middle-man

It has to be direct

Write to email

Reply will fly

No need to wait

Let the game play

As of now

Read and keep

The game of play

In the borderless world

Of interest in the game

Success or failure isn't a regret

By playing lessons can be learned

An experience worth the time and day

eyes only straight


They want to dance

The holy in their minds

They want to impose

The style of their lives

They want to look

As if they are the saints

Branding their way

Live in their belief

They have the narrow minds

Eyes only straight

No right or left turn

They think they are the only ones

They want to dance

The only style they know

They should study Bollywood

It will boost they style

the lap dogs for the crocodiles


The lap dogs for the crocodiles

They have the tags but no values

They can harp all they want

They want to sound they are holy

Gambling isn't the root of evil

It hasn't been its way in the beginning

It is the humans who are at fault

They fail to recognize greed

Money many will say

The root of the devil causing ills in humans

But is it the truth?

Money is an exchange to live and survive

The crocodiles trying to sound holy

But the sins they have in their minds

They forget to address in its roots

They always think of women and their needs

They don't pay attention to economy

They will have no idea how to achieve it

Kelantan is the best example

For decades Kelantan still running low

God gambles on humans

Though He knows what humans will do

He wants them to have free choices

So that He can be there as always

But crocodiles?

They want to play little gods

The sins in their lives

They dare not say or change

The lap dogs?

They should bark at themselves

Study the Constitution well

As it is they are just fire-flies

going backward is a sin


The crocodiles

Nothing on economy

It is always on 2R

It's their game of play

Sadly the rural folks will buy it

Afraid to face the truth

They will be led astray

Cozing up on the wrong strategies

They want to show

They can rule the nation

They should learn from Middle East

They can't stand alone

They are afraid of a small nation

Looking at them with fierce hated eyes

One wrong move everything will be on fire

The crocodiles should learn to stay in secular

The crocodiles playing a game

Shouting on 2R as if it is the only way

They should study the Constitution well

Else they can be charged under Sosma or Sedition

The nation will want to progress

Not under the guise of crocodiles

Going backward is a sin

Because we are living in 21st century

Saturday, September 14, 2024

dance in politics


Dance in politics

Many will fall into it

They will not say

Sins knocking in their heads

Lucifer will smile

Giving his art of dance

In politics he can influence

The way he has in mind

The subtle messages

We all listen to the politicians

All about power and greed

Nothing about enriching our minds

Dance in politics

The easy way to fall in sin

Lucifer knows his art of his game

The 7 sins many forget

Dance in politics

Dance in sins

Puppets on the strings

Who's the master?

Dance in politics

The 7 sins many forget

Many will fall into it

Lucifer will smile

the tents of crocodiles


The crocodiles

They can live in their tents

Curled in their cocoon shelves

Only the drama of fools will care

They can't walk on land

They have tried but found it impossible

So they make so many excuses

Living in religion but sins still growing

The crocodiles

Better stay in the swampy lake

Once a while you will make

Some news in Panjang river

The crocodiles

They pretend to be holy

Behind the back door

They will scheme and scream

The crocodiles

Don't fall for their trap doors

The political religion isn't saint

But they don't say

The crocodiles

Only the drama of fools will smile

They will dream of heaven

Forgetting paradise on earth

life of simple taste


Life of simple taste

The world will be much easy to play

Nothing much to worry carrying it through

The simple living grateful in many ways

It can't be happening

As the young generation will not bow to it

They will say they need to pursue

Every need and desire on the score sheet

It is only when in old age

Seeing what they have done and achieved

They reflect on it and return to simple living

The tranquility needed to cool the mind

Life of simple taste

Don't go make the wrong mistake

Pursuing of needs and desires

Know the trap doors; don't get jammed in it

the night of shadows


The night of shadows

Do we dare to face them?

Do we have the guts to do?

When we are trapped in a blocked road?

The fear will hit in our minds

As we feel we are chased out of our times

Running to an end

Hearing the voices ringing high

The initial panic

We will trap ourselves

The night of shadows

We will not see faces

We have to take quick breathing

Calm our minds relax our bodies

A few seconds in life make all the differences

Because we have no experience facing danger

Friday, September 13, 2024

bad vibrations


Bad vibrations

Coming out to score

Paint the minds low

So it can grow

Women should protest

Don't let it be an easy target

The world isn't made up men

It has to share equally with women

Women don't let it happen

The bad vibrations by the men

Those who want it all for nothing

You aren't that foolish are you?

Bad vibrations

The women shouldn't stay quiet

They aren't the chattels or slaves

They are equal as men and much better

patience will bring result


Some one told me

Don't go when you know you will fail”

Don't be obstinate realizing the factors stacked up

The way forward is to know it can succeed

The life of cascading sound

Listen to it to realize which one

That will make more sense to succeed

Then going in every direction!

Like walking up to an escalator

Wrong direction a person will not reach the top

It will always going downwards

It is a wasted effort and time

Like to talking to a hot woman

Don't go to approach when lacking in confidence

Learn the art of approaching polished up the act

Because a woman will seize it up easily it's in her DNA

If you know you are going to fail

Don't be stubborn to go and fall

Change the way and wait again

Patience will bring result

the police must act


The crocodiles

Causing instability of the mind

The way they misbehave

The police should hook them

There is a law

Catch the bad apples

Before they cause a huge problem

They don't think of the nation at all

They only think of their own

Using 2R to stay relevant

Supported by the drama of fools

They don't think of paradise but heaven

Solving problems they have no idea

No such skills in economy but good in vice

Of women they want and satisfy

One leader married again solving problems no mind

The police shouldn't think on race and religion

The extremists are hiding in camouflage skins

They will try to infiltrate in all areas

If the police forget to draw the line

don't hold back the cane


All in the family

It will be good if he shows it

But behind his words

His 2R still riding high

The double talk

It will not bring progress

Of the human minds

The borderless world must sink in

Have we?

We are still indulging in 2R

Let the past century go in peace

Let this century bring progress and joy

What Renaissance man doing?

He tries to wash hand of things

Happening to his coalition partners

He only says “We are all in the family”

Now the crocodiles attacked him

The leaders who can't walk on land

Pretending to be as they shouted

Renaissance man stayed in the house

Only Rocket will be hit

One leader hauled up by the police

McMc too came to pursue

Renaissance man stayed in the cocoon

No doubt he is worried about his post

But must he stay quiet afraid to pull them in?

The wolves, the moos and crocodiles

He should put his mark forget about his chair

Thursday, September 12, 2024

the stray cats


The stray cats

Walking on the back lanes

Smoking high eyes glow

The dogs can only watch

The long night

The drumbeats of their hearts

Scattering sound on the back lanes

The dance in their minds

The stray cats

Going in and out

Between houses and bushes

The dogs can only watch

The beats in the night

The house-owners will curse

Nothing will show at the back-lanes

The stray cats

They live free

The dogs can only watch

They run between houses and bushes

the gods


The Gods

So many capturing our lives

Those thousands of years ago

Still living down to us

The Gods

Don't we believe them?

The rituals and songs

Are we got fooled?

The books

Edited or changed

Authors unknown

The words like a good drama script

The Gods

Living in our lives

We are told but never seen

Bank in on faith

The Gods

The good and the bad

The fear of losing

The wages of sin is death

Listen go and multiply

Populate the Earth

The Gods they want us to play

To give them a reason to stay

the beta frame men


The Beta frame men

Gear up to stay on high

Learn to be the Alpha guys

The hot women will look twice

Study the methods on DEVI*

It will make for a better frame

Learn the art and skill through practises

The cold approaches and experiences

No doubt the initial game

The sweat and fear of rejection

It is a normal frame of play

Let it roll stay on the loop

In time the values return

The efforts will be rewarded

For every rejection there is a gain

Confidence to tackle it once more

Because hot women on the roll

They want confident men to pursue

The men who can dominate in a game

Build tension easy into play

*D-dominance E-escalation V-variety I-immersion

the big mouth sued for $25 million


The junior chief wolf

The big mouth without brain

Stroking tension for his own benefit

He has a “Datokship” from Malacca

So he will keep building

In the social media world to say

Hitting head on the Rocket

He forgets of unity government in partnership

Now with the “Halal cerfication”

He spinned his tales to it

He thought he could escape

He is sued for $25 million

The police shouldn't pursue on selection

The minister who talked about it

The police didn't open a file to investigate

The minister may have said on seditious statement

The police should have investigated him

This is touching on Non-Muslims domain

Bearing in mind this nation is a Secular country

The Non-Muslims are guaranteed by the Constitution

The big mouth has made many seditious statements

Yet the police hardly called him or locked him up

The big mouth is still running free

He feels no law can touch him

Renaissance man?

We are all family members”

So much talking on it

Behind back-door the bad vibrations

afraid to walk into the unknown


The lonely women

The lonely men

Along the borderless world

They can't meet to laugh

Even in modern methods

Stroking the web of applications

There are still many singles

Afraid to walk into the unknown

Marriage will cause the divorce statistics

It will make for hard decision in life

Staying single enjoying the life of fun

No obligation no compromises

Maybe that is the reason

The story of lonely women and men

Living in this world caring for themselves

Though there are many still hunting to tie the knot

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

karma will draw the magnet


Karma will draw the magnet

Going for the sake of money or publicity

On the surface it couldn't be true

As police conducted the investigation

Yet filing a civil suit

He has no fund to pursue

Somehow somebody is funding it

Karma will take her course of action

Now the news spread

He is found to possess guns and drugs

How true of the outcome?

The lawyer will say it is a fixed up bust

Only the man will say

Getting publicity he seeks

Karma gives him his few minutes in the news

Still he is in the bad position

The police will grill him thoroughly

They will want to find his sources

Though we expect the police to play fair and square

But many will doubt the methods on pursuing

The man will be in lock-up

He may not get his police bail

Guns and drugs possession

The man should wiser up now

the rocket leaders


The Rocket leaders

Don't let power and benefits

Chained your values to the posts

It will not make values in the end

They have to play the dominant role

Of those years they could call a spate a spate

They shouldn't stay quiet most of the time

They have to unchained to play their roles

In the government with the largest MPs

Yet they are bullied by the minnows

The Rocket leaders mustn't slow down

They are still the punching bags

Nearly 2 years in the unity government

The changes still haven't been done

Better tell the PH Chairman

Listen to the grouses on the ground

The Rocket leaders

Give it another 12 months

If nothing is changed for the better

Maybe they take a step back in government

the food outlets


The food outlets

They cater for those who come and pay

They aren't going to turn anyone away

This will be a bad for business

It is the customers who should understand

What they should consume and what they shouldn't

The way the country is turning around

The food outlets only think of profits nothing else

Arguments on religions

It is better live it at home

It will not benefit anybody

Trying to play little gods

God needs business from the sinners

Else He may not have reason to live

He allows Satan to survive

Because God can flourish every time

This is what happening

Some like to play little gods

Think about it right from the beginning

Is it not tainted along the way?

It is only the customers

They should know where to go

Nobody is forcing them away

It will be bad for business

The food outlets

They can put up signs

They aren't going to turn away

Any customer who wants to be served

goodbye RPK



Had his years and time

Gave us his views

The controversial

He couldn't care less

Once he was a hero

Fighting for Anwar

In later years he changed pole

He became a zero

It became too hot

He ran way to UK

In Manchester he carried on

Attacking the current government

Some said because of his son

He changed side so his son could be free

Nobody could say the truth

Though his son was discharged

Some argued he became the hired writer

Paid well while living in Manchester

He had his contacts and his spinning news

Some were seditious yet he couldn't care

RPK passed away in UK

He got his fame for as long as he lived

He did what he thought was right

In the end it was his stories

RIP Raja Petra Kamaruddin

May the Lord God take care of you

Thank you for the memories

You had your good run to tease us all

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

the friction way


The 3R

Let it stay at home

Let no politicians or extremists ring it

It has no economic progress to show

Renaissance man

Still on his own crusade

He hasn't made up his mind

The country progress or 3R?

He wants to be firmed on it

But we have seen already

He is NATO on the wolves, moos and crocodiles

The police have selective process

No minister can't say what he likes

He has to bring it up to the Cabinet to decide

Anything that happens to the people and Constitution

It needs to be pow-wow in the Cabinet

The recent highlight on “halal certification”

It has gone on the wrong direction

Let the business owners apply if interested

Bearing in mind the Constitution stands supreme

But the Renaissance man

He just wants to become a one term man

The drawbacks on his ways has caused friction

He must think of Rocket for the voters

the dark angels will smile


The gorgeous women

The dark angels will smile

Unleashed them to the guys

Testing faith or fall in sin

The perfect 9 or 10

The body, shape and face

The dark angels will ring

Telling the guys come and buy

Pay for the sins

This is the price

The dark angels will not compromise

God says to go and multiply

It isn't about one woman

It is about harem and concubines

Go and multiply as the scripture says

Who's to blame?

The gorgeous women

The men will fall in sins

They will say

Give God a job to forgive

The gorgeous women

The dark angels will smile

The subtle messages to sin

Don't worry God will forgive!