Sunday, September 01, 2024

the bad laws


The bad laws

Still running in tow

The promises still in doubt

PH leaders seem to forget

The PH chairman still wants tighter law

In his speech against those exploiting 3R

Only the drama of fools will jump into it

Without realizing their action of bad taste

Sedition Act of 1948 still in use

Controlling the people and politicians

This piece of legislation has to go

It has no business to stay in the book

Democracy must have choices

Those who spin tales will know their fate

Diplomacy should the key to foster unity

Respecting each other views and cultures

It is the extremists and bad politicians

They are the causes of the bad vibrations

The police should go after these groups

Don't choose race or religion to pursue

The PH Chairman

Don't just speak without action

The political will must come to pass

Get the bad laws away

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