Friday, January 18, 2008

oh no he was drunk!

  • Adnan: Lingam either mad or drunk
    Chua Sue-Ann Jan 17, 08 4:04pm
  • updated 8pm The minister, whose name was mentioned 11 times in the Lingam tape, gets a little upset when grilled today Courtesy from

  • Now Lingam was drunk
    When he made the call

    How so?
    When he was steadily talking
    On his cell phone to the other party
    Narrating his skills what he could do

    Now T Adnan was trying to hide
    Threw a banner made some other noises
    Let look the other way
    Lingam was drunk

    Honesty so hard for him
    He should tell the truth nothing but the truth
    So it is much easier for the judges
    To write their assessment

    This is a poker game
    Each player trying to outwit each other
    See who will loose
    When the cards finally turn over

    The silence hangs
    The breathing stops for awhile
    Eyes on the table
    What will be the outcome?
    It will be another day

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