Saturday, August 31, 2024

water turns into many shapes


The crying underground

The sound of echo runs

Whispering as it travels

Leaving nothing to find

Nobody pays attention

It is money to cultivate

Bad decision isn't a care

Tomorrow isn't the time

Today is what needed

Hands clapping smiling faces

What goes underground

Nobody cares to look

Nature hits the score

The major chords spark the cry

The crying underground

Water turns into many shapes

the unity of the people


The unity of the people

Whatever backgrounds and religions

The corner-stone to economically progress

Taking the nation to her peak on the mountain

The embrace of our diversity and cultures

Let nobody try to divide and rule it

Spreading false pretences or hope

It will not benefit the people and nation

The political divide

Nothing much will change

The politicians are divided

Aiming for their own desires

It is power and wealth

The nation's billions in the mind

It will not go away

As politicians still hungry for it

So it is important we stay united

Don't let the politicians carry it away

The nation's dignity and wealth

We will be losers for our stupidity

The bad laws must be carted away

Don't draft new ones to go for the same solutions

It is through education to change the mind

It is the basic groundwork to succeed

The unity of the people

The growth the nation needs

No need new laws to suit a leader

The bad laws should be repealed

the crocodiles bad dream


The crocodiles

Don't dream too far ahead

Using 2R to stay relevant

It may not help them again

They have to know

Walk on a steady footing

Coming out from the swampy land

It's the just crocodile walking

Living in the human politics

They have a lot to catch up

Harping on 2R will not pursue dream

Because the nation isn't a single race

They forget ties

Once they were with Rocket and Blue Eye

Galvanting together pursue dream

At the time of Tok Guru Nik Aziz

That was the time

Every one would say it was better

A leader like Nik Aziz understood secular nation

It was the time the crocodiles got recognition

Today it is under Bawang

The toxic tales bending to suit his taste

A man who has lost his way

Corruption isn't wrong he had said

The crocodiles

No Rocket No Renaissance man”

Who want crocodiles can't walk on land?

They only behave as if they hold the card

Friday, August 30, 2024

the aging men


Every aging man

Living in his life

Will always want

To go back to the young

The aging men

Ogling eyes on hot women

Watching them in pictures

Streaming videos or in the parks

It makes the aging men

Longing for the time of the young

The studs on the farm

Riding horses with the wind

In the modern gadgets

The aging men can find

By the click of keys

They will stay tune watching

The hot sexy women

Angling them in their eyes

The aging men will live

In their dreams of the time

It is a natural progression

The aging men will stay happy

Watching the hot women

Inking into their minds

The dreams

Like shadows tempting eyes

But the aging men stay

They only smile remembering their times

he still can't say sorry


The Old Man game

The play of divide and rule

He lived in it and prosper

Until he can't say sorry

Now in his old age

He laments on restriction on 3R

The game he once played it well

Suddenly he finds it isn't

He should have say his sorry

The nation's division of spoon feeding a race

It makes them into addicts causing losses

In human capital and economic growth

The smart ones realize it long ago

Some migrate wanting to stand on their own

The game of divide and rule is waning

Renaissance man finally comes to think of it

Every one must play a role

In developing the nation

AI will the crucial next move

Be the Silicon Valley of the East

Let the Old Man

Lives in his past

A man causing much pain

To the nation and people

don't support the bad


The wolf leaders

Still harping on MO1

They should wake up

The opium money smoke gone

There is nothing to save him

He did his crime now he served time

No need to sing of his shadow

He brought shame to the nation

The wolf leaders

We still have to pay our debts

No thanks to your former leader

Stole the nation's wealth still no shame!

The millions still in hiding

He hasn't returned the loot

There are still cases on him

Don't try to play his game

The wolf leaders

Don't be arrogant

GE16 will bury them good

If they still insist on their bad game

a day of dreaming


Wings fly

People have it

They will not tell lies

They will fly up in the air

Cruising in life

Making life fun

Beat out the routines

Sunrise and sunset

But many still

Working late at night

Punching keys and staring at screens

Wings aren't flying but keys by fingers fly

In the large scheme of things

Freedom is the way up-front

Playing a game worth the time

In reality it is back to working routine

Wings fly

The people will not tell lies

They will jam up the sky

Screaming out loud in their lives

Thursday, August 29, 2024

always the Rocket to blame


The Rocket

Still the punching bag

When things go wrong

The rival opponents will say

It is them

Standing upright

Telling us why

The rival politicians will blame

A good way to get it off

The drama of fools

Falling in line to applause

In Moo's case

One of his troubles

Invoking the Sedition Act

The moo leaders blame the Rocket

Bringing up old issue

But they don't say of different view

This one is againt a former King

The Moo should own it up

Don't try to blame others for it

Though he pleads not guilty

It is the standard answer in court

The Moo should tell the truth

His magic skill failed him

Now he is facing a jail sentence

But it will take a long time

For the court to determine his case

unity is sharing the progress and burden


Renaissance man

Now he says something right

His race shouldn't be spoon-fed all the times

It is time his race learned to compete well

The urban Malays recognize it

Those who are educated will comply

Knowing that unity will foster good economy

All races will benefit on the nation progress

It is the rural Malays

They forget to feel about economy

They always think of religion

Nothing else matters to them

It is time to relook their lives

Religion can't bring food to the tables

When bodies and minds are weak

No religion can flourish in time

The intelligent Malays

Majority may have migrated overseas

They valued their dignity and progress

They don't want to be fished bowl in it

Renaissance man

Time to bring it home to his race

The country will become the Silicon Valley of the East

She needs AI caliber citizens to flourish the nation

life is a book of pages


Life is a book of pages

You write your stories

I write my tales

In this world we live in

You have your experiences

Breaking into your world

Link it to your searches

Finding your stories to tell

I have my share

Walking and living in this world

Play the games of wolf and sheep

Counting the numbers and memories

You want to catch the wind

Chasing after a dream

Patience will hold the key

Setbacks will be plenty

I listen to the whirring wind

Hard hitting in the mind

The stories of life book of pages

The pages to be written and tales to share

hold the truth


Hold the truth

Don't let it be swept away

Leaving us with its memory

We will live and cry

Don't go the wrong way

The temptations are many

Living in this world

It's the economy of wealth

Hold the truth

The sound in our ears

It will sing its melody

Don't go the wrong way

We can tell lies

We can make up stories

We can write our own tales

Who are we fooling?

Hold the truth

It will set us free

We don't have to live in regret

We owe nobody by our sincerity

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

don't live like saint


The crocodiles controlled states

The voters got what they wanted

The political religion to rule them

Now what they have to say?

Kelantan is one of the poorest state

Yet the voters still vote for the crocodiles

They think they can go to heaven

They forget to live in paradise

Learn the good and evil ways

Know by experience and knowledge

It will come in good hands

When finally meeting the Creator

Living by religion

Forgetting the economy to survive

The Creator will not take kindly on it

We are born to experiment live and die

The other states by crocodiles

They have gotten the bad end of the stick

The voters in Kedah, Terengganu and Perlis

Better wake up on their bad decision

Don't go back to the cave mentality

Don't live in the cocoon shelf

Don't be afraid to experiment

We are born to live and die

Earth is paradise

Heaven can wait

We are born to experiment

Our Creator knows and forgives

the sink holes in the city


The sink holes in the city

It's the one that gone its way

A woman fell through

She still can't be found

The relevant agencies try

Finding ways to extract her body

Yet it is an elusive way

She can't be found yet

A few sink holes appear again

Causing concerned to the people

Walking around the vicinity

Now the awareness arise

Nature has spoken

The natural gateway mustn't change

The flood of water will stay cool

It will teach us lessons

The sink holes in the city

Don't ask for pity

Nature will take action

When we are sleeping in our minds

it is our base stock


Our race

It can't be changed

Even we change our religion

It is our base stock

So it will be for us

If it is a mix race stock

We should say as it is

We can't be saying

This is my race”

Embracing a religion

Though the Constitution

Define a race using religion

We mustn't forget our stock

It is built into our DNA

It can't be changed as we like

But politicians will say

Anything to benefit themselves

They will say it is their right

Define it under the Constitution

But with others in the same religion

The divide and rule apply

We have many in the country

Embracing a new religion to form a race

As define by the Constitution

But the rights will need to adapt

But the politicians will tune it to their benefits

stop using the draconian laws


Renaissance man

Stop using the draconian laws

The legislations should be repealed

It shouldn't stay in the law book

It is the battle cry of PH leaders

The draconian laws should go now

There is no reason for it to stay

Don't give excuses of its value in security

The promises were made

The voters voted for it

Wishing PH leaders would apply

Ways to shoot it out for good

Now PH formed the unity government

These draconian laws should be repealed

The first to go will be the Sedition Act

It has caused much misuse by the government

Renaissance man

Today you win yesterday you lost

Tomorrow you may face it too

So don't wait better start now

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

lonely the alone


Lonely the alone

The rising sun and glowing moon

The heat of the sun burning in the day

The neon lights bright up in the night

Like the millions of stars shining

Blinking it the whole night

Without getting dates to hold

A special moment in the time

Lonely the alone

It isn't about single ones

Even married couples too

Sharing life without the thunder

Stay alone and live quietly

Listen to songs or traffic flow

Staying alive hoping for a life

Breaking out the normal living

Lonely the alone

The rising sun and glowing moon

The night of contrasting lights

The warm comfort missing in embrace

Lonely the alone

Listen to songs or traffic flow

Staying alive hoping for a life

The warm comfort missing in embrace

no one is above the law


One former prime minister

Gone to jail for his corruption

Though his party members still try

Telling their members to rally for him

It is shameful to read

The party leaders don't see it

He stole millions from the nation

Yet that money still in hiding

Now another former prime minister

He has his court date to appear

AGC shouldn't let him escape

Let him face his trial

It will be best if he goes to jail

It will tell all and sundry

Nobody is above the law

Once it is broken prepared to go to prison

Corruption with political leaders

Once they thought they were immune

Now Macc should go after the corrupt

Let no one escape the net

The Attorney General must be firm and fair

Let no corrupt officials or ministers escape

Don't accept letters of representation

Let the court decide their fate in the trial

our poor people need help too


Renaissance man

Don't think much on Palestine

Maybe it is to you

But our people think otherwise

The latest hardship on Palestine

It was caused by Hamas in October 23

Hamas leaders hide themselves

But Palestinians suffer greatly

Think of our own

The hardship we are facing

The poor in our midst

Crying for help but fail

The economy hasn't soared

The costs keep rising

Our pockets becoming light

We are wondering on your objective

Renaissance man

Listen to the whispers on the ground

Listen to the falling voices in the back-yards

Our poor people need help too

no one is above the law


One former prime minister

Gone to jail for his corruption

Though his party members still try

Telling their members to rally for him

It is shameful to read

The party leaders don't see it

He stole millions from the nation

Yet that money still in hiding

Now another former prime minister

He has his court date to appear

AGC shouldn't let him escape

Let him face his trial

It will be best if he goes to jail

It will tell all and sundry

Nobody is above the law

Once it is broken prepared to go to prison

Corruption with political leaders

Once they thought they were immune

Now Macc should go after the corrupt

Let no one escape the net

The Attorney General must be firm and fair

Let no corrupt officials or ministers escape

Don't accept letters of representation

Let the court decide their fate in the trial

the shadows in our lives


The shadows play in our lives

We live through it without realize

We can enjoy our little escapades

Thinking it is always well taken care

We think the police will do

The best job to keep the people safe

Patrolling the streets and back alleys

Fighting criminals, robbers or thieves

Along the way we will feel in security

Sometimes murderers and robbers slip through

The fences get cut and broken into

The tranquility will shutter into a screaming cry

The shadows play in our lives

We hardly know them or recognize

We take it for granted we will be safe

Walking on the streets or back lanes

Monday, August 26, 2024

let Moo face his own music


The Moo

Facing his charge on sedition in Kelantan

It is quick to make it to face the court

Let him face his own music

It isn't about his claim

On his 115 SD to back up his plan

It happened 2 years ago

He lost his game and he kept quiet

It is his insult to the former King

He shouldn't have to say it

It has gone under the bridge

He lost his game then

The court should fix a date

Stay on it and no postponement

Let the Moo face the court

Let him face his prison for his insult

Let the process be quick

Don't delay the trial

Moo has to face his time

In jail will be the right choice

it's worth the time


When life's journey is blocked

Of bad decision or judgement or choice

You don't have to suffer alone or in silence

You have to break away and find solace

Even in married life

It isn't all roses without thorns

It has its growth of ups and downs

It is how much credits earned to stay on

Life still has to move on

Even remembering the bad memories

It is part of living and growing

Every one should start building new objective

Don't live with regrets

Life has many to offer

Learn the hard way

Yet coming out a winner

Though memories stay

It isn't going to go away

Live with it and go out in joy

Make life fun – it's worth the time

a photo album


A photo album

A brief travel through time

Feel the energy and memories

Coming back to give a moment

Of a time

Once we traveled

Across countries or states

Events and celebrations

Of a time

Chasing shadows

Of love, losses and heartaches

Of those gone and in memories

The pictures of the past

Sharing a time and moments

How time has gone and echo in the mind

The photo album shares it through time

every reject there is a gain


Rejection isn't a loss

You may feel it is

You may get angry

You may blame the world

But if you sit down and think

It opens up a new perspective

It makes you think why you loss

Introspection gives you hope

It gives you renew energy

Learn your craft to try again

Every reject there is a gain

Eventually you will succeed

Rejection isn't a loss

Every loss there is a gain

Think of it as an experience

You will hit it off in next round