Saturday, August 11, 2007

dont disgrace Negara-ku

I dont agree with people who disgrace 'Negara-ku' This song should bind the people together to stand up as one and believe it. Even one forgets how to sing, one shouldnt forget the rallying song for the country by the people who live in it. So for a Malaysian to twist the song to show some disagreements with the government, it isnt the good way to ask for change. His patriotic feeling is misplaced. I rather he makes his song on something else to air his view and feeling of his country leaders and or government. Now the government reacts blindly on the issue. There are better things for the government to do (ministry of internal security) than pursuing a course which is a ranting of a song by a Malaysian to show his feeling of his country. There are crimes to be solved, corruption to eradicate, etc than wasted the police energy for something that at best a person ranting.

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