Sunday, August 26, 2007

school fosters unity if one thinks it right

Teachers cried foul on the raiding on tuition centres and homes. Parents cried too because they thought their children would surely fail in the public examinations. Students cried loudly now they couldnt score string of 'A's in the subjects they are going to sit. So the future looks bleak and unfocus...............What with the parents, teachers and students? Is life measured by scoring good grades? It is this - learn to read, learn to write, learn to communicate, learn to think, learn to value yourself (whatever you walk on the right path of your life) Scoring in public examinations isnt the sum of your life achievements. Of course parents and students want to score straight 'A's because it is where they thought the gate would open to the vast richness into the future. When one is young, it is the spirit to roam and learn; not only with books but with social inter-actions with others and nature. Learn while you are at it not after school drop in to tuition centres to crowd your views again. Newspapers too play a part for the parents and students and sometimes teachers when they highlight those who scored straight 'A's in the public examinations. Is this what achievement about? The newspapers pamper them as a result a new culture is formed. Winning is the game to the final frame....Tutoring amongst friends or students is one of the best form of relationship for the students. In it one learns how to give and take without any monetary considerations. One learns through this process that a leader teaches his followers his skills to accomplish something now and in the future; the followers teach the leader how to become humble knowing one has the skills and knowledge to rule......but never doing it yet help his friends to move along to pursue a common goal in life - all must pass through the gate leaving no one behind.

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